This storybook addon provides the ability to display a panel on stories with any code you want. It's mostly a wrapper for [storybook's syntax highlighter](

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This storybook addon provides the ability to display a panel on stories with any code you want. It's mostly a wrapper for storybook's syntax highlighter , which is a wrapper for prism.js.

Screenshot of Addon


  1. npm install --save-dev @jls-digital/storybook-addon-code
  2. Add storybook-addon-code to your storybook's config
  3. Add the sourceCode parameter to your stories
// .storybook/main.ts
const config: StorybookConfig = {
  addons: ['@jls-digital/storybook-addon-code'],


In your story files, you can now import code as string (with vite by using the '?raw' query parameter) and pass it to the sourceCode parameter. You can even import the file you're currently in:

// button.stories.ts
import rawStories from './button.stories?raw';
import rawComponent from './button?raw';
const meta: Meta<IButtonStory> = {
  parameters: {
    sourceCode: [
      { name: 'Component', code: rawComponent },
      { name: 'Stories', code: rawStories },
  title: 'Components/Button',


Name Description Values
name The name of the sub tab. Default: index of tab. string
code The code to display string
language The language of the code that should be used for syntax highlighting. Default: typescript. "jxextra", "jsx", "json", "yml", "md", "bash", "css", "html", "tsc", "typescript", "graphql"


(Click on a question to see the answer.)

A: No worries, this is an issue with storybook's TabsState component. You can simply reload the page and it should work fine.

A: Yes, the order is determined by the order of the array you pass to the sourceCode parameter.


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Storybook-Addon-Code is released under the MIT License.

Made by
  • jls-digital-ag