Display the JSX of the story

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This Storybook addon shows you the JSX of the story. It can be useful to see what props you set, for example.

Storybook Addon JSX Démo

Getting started


yarn add --dev storybook-addon-jsx

Add to storybook

Append the following to file called addons.js in your storybook config (default: .storybook):

import 'storybook-addon-jsx/register';

If the file doesn't exist yet, you'll have to create it.


Import it into your stories file and then use it when you write stories:

import React from 'react';
import { setAddon, storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';
import JSXAddon from 'storybook-addon-jsx';


const Test = ({ fontSize = '16px', fontFamily = 'Arial', align = 'left', color = 'red', children }) => (
  <div style={{ color, fontFamily, fontSize, textAlign: align }}>

storiesOf('test', module)
  .addWithJSX('Paris', () => (
    <Test fontSize={45} fontFamily="Roboto" align="center" color="#CAF200">
  .addWithJSX('Orleans', () => <Test color="#236544">Hello</Test>);

storiesOf('test 2', module).addWithJSX('Paris', () => (
  <div color="#333">test</div>

You can also configure globally:

import { configure, setAddon } from '@storybook/vue';
import JSXAddon from 'storybook-addon-jsx';


configure(loadStories, module);
import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/vue';

storiesOf('Vue', module)
  .addWithJSX('template property', () => ({ template: `<div></div>` }));


You can pass options as a third parameter. Options available:


// Option displayName
storiesOf('test 2', module).addWithJSX(
  () => <TestContainer>Hello there</TestContainer>,
  { displayName: 'Test' }, // can be a function { displayName: element => 'Test' }
// Output
// <Test>Hello there</Test>
//Option skip
storiesOf('test 2', module).addWithJSX(
  () => (
    <div color="#333">
  { skip: 1 },
// Output
// <Test>Hello</Test>
  • onBeforeRender(domString: string) => string (default: undefined) : function that receives the dom as a string before render. The returned string is the string that will be rendered.

  • enableBeautify (default: true) : Beautify the template string

  • HTML options from js-beautify

//Option indent_size
storiesOf('test 2', module).addWithJSX(
  () => ({
    template: `<Test>
  { indent_size: 2 },
// Output
// <Test>
//   Hello
// </Test>