Can be used to create better component documentation inside storybook. Based on [React DocGen babel plugin](
Can be used to create better component documentation inside storybook. Based on React DocGen babel plugin.
Getting started
First, intstall the addon and babel plugin.
npm i -D @utilitywarehouse/storybook-addon-prop-types babel-plugin-react-docgen
Add this line to your addons.js file (create this file inside your storybook config directory if needed).
import '@utilitywarehouse/storybook-addon-prop-types/register'
Import the withPropsOf
decorator to your stories to add propTypes content for the panel.
import { withPropsOf } from '@utilitywarehouse/storybook-addon-prop-types'
import Radio from './Radio'
storiesOf('Foundation|Components', module)
.add('Radio', () => (
<RadioStoryOne />
Make sure react-docgen plugin is being used by babel. Either add it to .babelrc
or as --plugin react-docgen
argument to babel command.
"plugins": ["react-docgen"]
More documentation on how react-docgen works can be found in babel-plugin-react-docgen README.
- If you use docgen plugin with production builds, it will increase the size of your bundle. Make sure to use it only for storybook.
- React DocGen only works for propTypes defined in the same file as the component. Component needs to be the default export.
- Wrapping component with HOC will erase docgen info, so make sure to use non-wrapped components with