Next.js router

Use Next.js Router in your Storybook stories.

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Storybook Addon Next Router

Use Next.js Router in your Storybook stories.


  • Use 1.x if you're using storybook 5.x
  • Use 3.x if you're using storybook 6.x
  • Use 4.x if you're using storybook 6.x and react 18

Note: these docs refer to 3.0

Add the addon to your configuration in .storybook/main.js

module.exports = {
  addons: [
    ...your addons

Add the RouterContext.Provider to .storybook/preview.js

import { AppRouterContext } from "next/dist/shared/lib/app-router-context"; // next 13 next 13 (using next/navigation)
// import { RouterContext } from "next/dist/shared/lib/router-context"; // next 13 (using next/router) / next 12
// import { RouterContext } from "next/dist/shared/lib/router-context"; // next 11.1
// import { RouterContext } from "next/dist/next-server/lib/router-context"; // next < 11.1

export const parameters = {
  nextRouter: {
    Provider: AppRouterContext.Provider, // next 13 next 13 (using next/navigation)
    // Provider: RouterContext.Provider, // next 13 (using next/router) / next < 12

Usage in story

import MyComponentThatHasANextLink from "../component-that-has-a-next-link";

export default {
  title: "My Story",

// if you have the actions addon
// you can click the links and see the route change events there
export const Example = () => <MyComponentThatHasANextLink />;

Example.parameters = {
  nextRouter: {
    pathname: "/profile/[id]",
    asPath: "/profile/lifeiscontent",
    query: {
      id: "lifeiscontent",

Custom defaults

in preview.js

export const parameters = {
    nextRouter: {
        pathname: '/', // defaults to `/`
        asPath: '/', // defaults to `/`
        query: {}, // defaults to `{}`
        push() {
        } // defaults to using addon actions integration,
        //   can override any method in the router

Read more about the options available for next/router at

Example App

To see real world usage of how to use this addon, check out the example app: