Powers up stories sort by providing more levels of control.

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Storybook Deeper Sort

Provides more flexibility and more levels of control to story sort.

Note: This package is compatible with Storybook v7 and above. If you need compatibility with older versions of Storybook, please use deeperSort prior to v1.0.0.

Table of Contents


This package provides a function to sort stories with an API similar to the storybooks' order array but providing more than two levels of control.

Using the Storybook's built-in order array, you can have 2 levels of control:

// .storybook/preview.js

export const parameters = {
  options: {
    storySort: {
      order: ["Intro", "Pages", ["Home", "Login", "Admin"], "Components"],

The code above would generate:

├─ Welcome
├─ Home
├─ Login
├─ Admin
├─ PackageA/
│  ├─ A
│  ├─ B
│  ├─ C
├─ PackageB/
│  ├─ A
│  ├─ B
│  ├─ C

To achieve deeper control over the story sort order, you can use the deeperSort function provided by this package.

Using deeperSort, the following levels of control become possible:

// .storybook/main.js

import deeperSortSetup from "storybook-deeper-sort";

  ["Home", "Login", "Admin"],
  ["*", ["C"]],

Here's an example of the sort order achieved using deeperSort:

├─ Welcome
├─ Home
├─ Login
├─ Admin
├─ PackageA/
│  ├─ C
│  ├─ A
│  ├─ B
├─ PackageB/
│  ├─ C
│  ├─ A
│  ├─ B


# npm
npm i -D storybook-deeper-sort

# yarn
yarn add -D storybook-deeper-sort


  1. In your .storybook/main.js file, import deeperSortSetup function and call it with the desired order array. For example:
import deeperSortSetup from "storybook-deeper-sort";

  ["Home", "Login", "Admin"],
  ["*", ["C"]],
  1. In your .storybook/preview.js file, assign the storySort option to a function that uses globalThis.deeperSort for sorting the stories. For example:
const preview = {
  parameters: {
    options: {
      storySort: (a, b) => globalThis.deeperSort(a, b),

export default parameters;

The deeperSort function takes into account the order array provided in deeperSortSetup to determine the sort order of your stories. It enables more levels of control, allowing you to specify custom sorting for different sections and even individual stories.

Please note that due to restrictions in Storybook v7, it's not possible to define the storySort function externally. The use of globalThis allows us to access the deeperSort function from the preview.js file.


The deeperSortSetup function accepts an optional config parameter that allows you to customize its behavior.

Currently, the only available option is docsFirst. By default, deeperSort prioritizes docs, placing them before other story types.

To disable the prioritization of docs, you can setdocsFirsttofalse:

// .storybook/main.js

import deeperSortSetup from "storybook-deeper-sort";

  ["Pages", ["Admin", "Login", "Home"], "Components", ["*", ["C", "*"]]],
  { docsFirst: false }

By setting { docsFirst: false }, deeperSort will sort all story types based on their order in the provided order array without giving special priority to docs stories.