
Themes, Theme Providers & true dark mode for Storybook

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Themes, Theme Providers & true dark mode for Storybook

Storybook Facelift is zero-config - which will just return a light/dark mode button for the native theme

But you can also


npm i -D storybook-facelift

Configure Addon

Add the addon to your storybook main.js file (or main.ts - will just assume js from now on...)

module.exports = {
  addons: ['storybook-facelift'],

To get the most of the addon you may want to configure it through the parameters in preview.js.

export const parameters = {
  facelift: {...},

TypeScript support example

Storybook Facelift supplies a custom Parameters type to help you get typesafety in your parameters.

It takes one generic to let you add more parameter types from other addons and retain Storybook parameter typesafety

import type { Parameters } from 'storybook-facelift'
import type { OtherAddonParam } from 'other-addon'

export const parameters: Parameters<{
  otherAddon: OtherAddonParam,
}> = {
  actions: { argTypesRegex: '^on[A-Z].*' },
  otherAddon: {...},
  facelift: {...},

Configure Story

You can also configure Storybook Facelift on story level, for instance to enable auto theming with a theme provider on a story level instead of on a global level, and maybe even add a special theme provider for this story

import React from 'react'
import { Tag } from './Tag'

export default {
  title: 'UI/Tag',
  component: Tag,
  parameters: {
    facelift: {
      addProvider: true,
      provider: 'styled',
      providerTheme: 'theme-1',

const Template = (args) => <Tag {...args} />

export const Controllable = Template.bind({})
Controllable.args = {
  label: 'Tag',

TypeScript support example

Storybook Facelift supplies a custom Meta type to help you get typesafety in your story parameters.

This type takes 2 generic arguments, the additional parameter types and Storybooks own Args (sadly you have to provide an empty object as first generic if you wish to apply an Args generic and have no additional addon parameter types to provide)

import React from 'react'
import { Tag } from './Tag'

import type { Story } from '@storybook/react'
import type { Meta } from 'storybook-facelift'
import type { TagProps } from './Tag'
import type { OtherAddonParam } from 'other-addon'

export default {
  title: 'UI/Tag',
  component: Tag,
  parameters: {
    otherAddon: {...},
    facelift: {...},
} as Meta<{otherAddon: OtherAddonParam}>

const Template: Story<TagProps> = (args) => <Tag {...args} />

export const Controllable = Template.bind({})
Controllable.args = {
  label: 'Tag',

Addon Parameters

"addProvider"?: boolean
"autoThemeStory"?: boolean // deprecated - use addProvider
"defaultTheme"?: string
"defaultVariant"?: "light" | "dark"
"docs"?: ParamDocs
"enhanceUi"?: boolean
"includeNative"?: boolean
"native"?: ParamNative
"override"?: ThemeOptionsOverride
"provider"?: "mui" | "styled" | "emotion"
"providerTheme"?: string
"themeConverters"?: Record<string, ThemeConverterFn>
"themes"?: ParamTheme[]
"ui"?: ParamUi

addProvider boolean

Enable theme provider either globally or on story level

defaultTheme string

The default theme to start storybook with - the key from the theme parameter is used as reference

defaultVariant "light" | "dark"

The default theme variant to use for your Storybook theme

docs ParamDocs

Enhanced Docs control

// Set to true to hide the column borders in docs table
"hidePropertyBorders"?: boolean

// Set to true to hide description column in docs table
"hideDescription"?: boolean

// Set to true to hide default value column in docs table
"hideDefaults"?: boolean

// Set to true to hide the controls column in docs
"hideControls"?: boolean

// Set to true to hide the sibling stories shown below property table
"hideStories"?: boolean

// Set to either full or simple - full is default, and simple will ONLY show docs table
"type"?: "full" | "simple"

enhanceUi boolean

Fix some minor css errors, and allow usage of the ui parameter

includeNative boolean

If custom themes are provided then set this parameter to true in order to include the native Storybook theme

override ThemeOptionsOverride

Storybook theme options object that will extend itself on to the default Storybook theme options used as defaults for all theme creation

Any value added here will be in the final theme output, unless value is overwritten later (typically all are apart from brandTitle, brandUrl & brandImage)

"colorPrimary"?: string
"colorSecondary"?: string
"appBg"?: string
"appContentBg"?: string
"appBorderColor"?: string
"appBorderRadius"?: number
"fontBase"?: string
"fontCode"?: string
"textColor"?: string
"textInverseColor"?: string
"textMutedColor"?: string
"barTextColor"?: string
"barSelectedColor"?: string
"barBg"?: string
"inputBg"?: string
"inputBorder"?: string
"inputTextColor"?: string
"inputBorderRadius"?: number
"brandTitle"?: string
"brandUrl"?: string
"brandImage"?: string
"gridCellSize"?: number

native ParamNative

Easy simple courtesy parameters to tweak the native theme, as well as full control via override

// Title to show in the menu picker
"title"?: string

// Control which theme variants are available - defaults to ["light", "dark"]
"variants"?: ("light" | "dark")[]

// Control the usage of Storybooks theme values in the backgrounds
"background"?: "normal" | "reverse" | "equal" | "equal-reverse" | "equal-app" | "equal-content"

// Override any default native theme options from Storybook
"override"?: ThemeOptionsOverride

themeConverters Record<string, ThemeConverterFn>

Provide custom converter functions to convert your custom themes into Storybook themes

The key of the function will make the converter accessible to themes via the converter option for themes

Go to examples to see how to implement a custom theme

[key]: (props: {
  "override"?: ThemeOptionsOverride
  "theme": ThemeOptions
  "variant": "light" | "dark"
  "background"?: "normal" | "reverse" | "equal" | "equal-reverse" | "equal-app" | "equal-content"
  "responsiveFontSizes"?: boolean
}) => {
  "storybook": StorybookThemeOptions
  "instanciated": ThemeInstanciated
  "options": ThemeOptions
} | null

themes ParamTheme[]

The theme configuration

// Unique key for this theme entry
"key": string

// Use the built in support of Storybook or Material UI
// Or indicate you are providing a custom theme
"type": "native" | "mui" | "custom"

// The title used in the theme picker
"title": string

// The name of the converter function to use - if the theme type
// is "mui" or "native" you do not need to set this
"converter"?: string

// The theme provider to use for this theme if "addProvider" for story is true
"provider"?: "mui" | "styled" | "emotion"

// The key of the theme to use for the theme provider if "addProvider" is true
"providerTheme"?: string

// Indicate that this theme is only to be used for theme providers - not to theme Storybook
"providerOnly"?: boolean

// These are the theme options for light and/or dark mode.
"variants": {
  "light"?: ThemeOptions
  "dark"?: ThemeOptions

// Override any Storybook theme options value for this theme
"override"?: ThemeOptionsOverride

// Ability to configure how backgrounds are used in the Storybook theme
// 'reverse' will swap between app and content etc..
"background"?: "normal" | "reverse" | "equal" | "equal-reverse" | "equal-app" | "equal-content"

// This is for typography - use responsive font sizes or not (only MUI support)
"resposiveFontSizes"?: boolean

ui ParamUi

// How much to elevate the content panel
"elevation"?: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

// Ability to override SB's own preview panel padding
"padding"?: string

// Ability to use a custom css box-shadow string for content elevation
"shadow"?: string


Minimal native Storybook theme with light variant only

export const parameters = {
  facelift: {
    themes: [
        key: 'native-1',
        type: 'native',
        title: 'Custom Storybook theme',
        variants: {
          light: {
            colorPrimary: '#0000ff',

Example w/default Material UI light & dark themes

Theme Storybook with default Material UI theme, and add a Material UI theme provider with same theme for all stories

export const parameters = {
  facelift: {
    addProvider: true,
    themes: [
        type: 'mui',
        key: 'mui-1',
        title: 'Default Material UI theme',
        variants: {
          light: {},
          dark: {},

Example w/custom light theme and Styled Components theme provider

This very minimal example will theme Storybook in a minimal custom theme, and add a Style Components theme provider to the stories

export const parameters = {
  facelift: {
    addProvider: true,
    themeConverters: {
      myCustomConverter: ({ theme, variant }) => ({
        storybook: {
          base: variant,
          colorPrimary: theme.primary,
          colorSecondary: theme.secondary,
        options: theme,
        instanciated: theme,
    themes: [
        type: 'custom',
        key: 'custom-1',
        title: 'Custom UI theme',
        converter: 'myCustomConverter',
        provider: 'styled',
        variants: {
          light: {
            primary: '#ff0000',
            secondary: '#0000ff',