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  • Conclusion
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Wire in data

Learn how to wire in data to your UI component

So far, we have created isolated stateless components-–great for Storybook, but ultimately not helpful until we give them some data in our app.

This tutorial doesn’t focus on the particulars of building an app, so we won’t dig into those details here. But we will take a moment to look at a common pattern for wiring in data with container components.

Container components

Our TaskList component as currently written is “presentational” in that it doesn’t talk to anything external to its own implementation. To get data into it, we need a “container”.

This example uses ngxs, a library that embraces Redux/ngrx principles but focuses on reducing boilerplate and provides a more angular-y way of managing state to build a simple data model for our app. However, the pattern used here applies just as well to other data management libraries like ngrx/store or Apollo.

Add the necessary dependencies to your project with:

npm install @ngxs/store @ngxs/logger-plugin @ngxs/devtools-plugin

First, we'll create a simple store that responds to actions that change the task's state in a file called task.state.ts in the src/app/state directory (intentionally kept simple):

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { State, Selector, Action, StateContext } from '@ngxs/store';
import { patch, updateItem } from '@ngxs/store/operators';
import { Task } from '../models/task.model';

// Defines the actions available to the app
export const actions = {

export class ArchiveTask {
  static readonly type = actions.ARCHIVE_TASK;

  constructor(public payload: string) {}

export class PinTask {
  static readonly type = actions.PIN_TASK;

  constructor(public payload: string) {}

// The initial state of our store when the app loads.
// Usually you would fetch this from a server
const defaultTasks = [
  { id: '1', title: 'Something', state: 'TASK_INBOX' },
  { id: '2', title: 'Something more', state: 'TASK_INBOX' },
  { id: '3', title: 'Something else', state: 'TASK_INBOX' },
  { id: '4', title: 'Something again', state: 'TASK_INBOX' },

export interface TaskStateModel {
  tasks: Task[];
  status: 'idle' | 'loading' | 'success' | 'error';
  error: boolean;

// Sets the default state
  name: 'taskbox',
  defaults: {
    tasks: defaultTasks,
    status: 'idle',
    error: false,
export class TasksState {
  // Defines a new selector for the error field
  static getError(state: TaskStateModel): boolean {
    return state.error;

  static getAllTasks(state: TaskStateModel): Task[] {
    return state.tasks;

  // Triggers the PinTask action, similar to redux
    { getState, setState }: StateContext<TaskStateModel>,
    { payload }: PinTask
  ) {
    const task = getState().tasks.find((task) => === payload);

    if (task) {
      const updatedTask: Task = {
        state: 'TASK_PINNED',
          tasks: updateItem<Task>(
            (pinnedTask) => pinnedTask?.id === payload,
  // Triggers the archiveTask action, similar to redux
    { getState, setState }: StateContext<TaskStateModel>,
    { payload }: ArchiveTask
  ) {
    const task = getState().tasks.find((task) => === payload);
    if (task) {
      const updatedTask: Task = {
        state: 'TASK_ARCHIVED',
          tasks: updateItem<Task>(
            (archivedTask) => archivedTask?.id === payload,

Then we'll update our TaskList component to read data from the store. First, let's move our existing presentational version to the file src/app/components/pure-task-list.component.ts and wrap it with a container.

In src/app/components/pure-task-list.component.ts:

import { Component, Input, Output, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';
import { Task } from '../models/task.model';

- selector:'app-task-list',
+ selector: 'app-pure-task-list',
  template: `
    <div class="list-items">
        *ngFor="let task of tasksInOrder"
        *ngIf="tasksInOrder.length === 0 && !loading"
        <span class="icon-check"></span>
        <p class="title-message">You have no tasks</p>
        <p class="subtitle-message">Sit back and relax</p>
      <div *ngIf="loading">
        <div *ngFor="let i of [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]" class="loading-item">
          <span class="glow-checkbox"></span>
          <span class="glow-text">
            <span>Loading</span> <span>cool</span> <span>state</span>
- export default class TaskListComponent {
+ export default class PureTaskListComponent {
     * @ignore
     * Component property to define ordering of tasks
    tasksInOrder: Task[] = [];

    @Input() loading = false;

    // tslint:disable-next-line: no-output-on-prefix
    @Output() onPinTask: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();

    // tslint:disable-next-line: no-output-on-prefix
    @Output() onArchiveTask: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();

    set tasks(arr: Task[]) {
      const initialTasks = [
        ...arr.filter((t) => t.state === 'TASK_PINNED'),
        ...arr.filter((t) => t.state !== 'TASK_PINNED'),
      const filteredTasks = initialTasks.filter(
        (t) => t.state === 'TASK_INBOX' || t.state === 'TASK_PINNED'
      this.tasksInOrder = filteredTasks.filter(
        (t) => t.state === 'TASK_INBOX' || t.state === 'TASK_PINNED'

In src/app/components/task-list.component.ts:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { Store } from '@ngxs/store';
import { ArchiveTask, PinTask } from '../state/task.state';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';

  selector: 'app-task-list',
  template: `
      [tasks]="tasks$ | async"
export default class TaskListComponent {
  tasks$?: Observable<any>;

  constructor(private store: Store) {
     this.tasks$ = => state.taskbox.tasks);

   * Component method to trigger the archiveTask event
  archiveTask(id: string) { ArchiveTask(id));

   * Component method to trigger the pinTask event
  pinTask(id: string) { PinTask(id));

Now we're going to create an Angular module to bridge the components and the store.

Create a new file called task.module.ts inside the src/app/components directory and add the following:

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { NgxsModule } from '@ngxs/store';

import TaskComponent from './task.component';
import TaskListComponent from './task-list.component';
import { TasksState } from '../state/task.state';
import PureTaskListComponent from './pure-task-list.component';

  imports: [CommonModule, NgxsModule.forFeature([TasksState])],
  exports: [TaskComponent, TaskListComponent],
  declarations: [TaskComponent, TaskListComponent, PureTaskListComponent],
  providers: [],
export class TaskModule {}

We have what we need. All that is required is to wire the store to the app. Update your top-level module (src/app/app.module.ts):

import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';

+ import { TaskModule } from './components/task.module';
+ import { NgxsModule } from '@ngxs/store';
+ import { NgxsReduxDevtoolsPluginModule } from '@ngxs/devtools-plugin';
+ import { NgxsLoggerPluginModule } from '@ngxs/logger-plugin';

+ import { environment } from '../environments/environment';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';

  declarations: [AppComponent],
  imports: [
+   TaskModule,
+    NgxsModule.forRoot([], {
+     developmentMode: !environment.production,
+   }),
+   NgxsReduxDevtoolsPluginModule.forRoot(),
+   NgxsLoggerPluginModule.forRoot({
+     disabled: environment.production,
+   }),
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent],
export class AppModule {}

The reason to keep the presentational version of the TaskList separate is that it is easier to test and isolate. As it doesn't rely on the presence of a store, it is much easier to deal with from a testing perspective. Let's rename src/app/components/task-list.stories.ts into src/app/components/pure-task-list.stories.ts and ensure our stories use the presentational version:

import type { Meta, StoryObj } from '@storybook/angular';

import { componentWrapperDecorator, moduleMetadata } from '@storybook/angular';

import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';

import PureTaskListComponent from './pure-task-list.component';
import TaskComponent from './task.component';

import * as TaskStories from './task.stories';

const meta: Meta<PureTaskListComponent> = {
  component: PureTaskListComponent,
  title: 'PureTaskList',
  tags: ['autodocs'],
  decorators: [
      //👇 Imports both components to allow component composition with Storybook
      declarations: [PureTaskListComponent, TaskComponent],
      imports: [CommonModule],
    //👇 Wraps our stories with a decorator
      (story) => `<div style="margin: 3em">${story}</div>`
  args: {
export default meta;
type Story = StoryObj<PureTaskListComponent>;

export const Default: Story = {
  args: {
    tasks: [
      { ...TaskStories.Default.args?.task, id: '1', title: 'Task 1' },
      { ...TaskStories.Default.args?.task, id: '2', title: 'Task 2' },
      { ...TaskStories.Default.args?.task, id: '3', title: 'Task 3' },
      { ...TaskStories.Default.args?.task, id: '4', title: 'Task 4' },
      { ...TaskStories.Default.args?.task, id: '5', title: 'Task 5' },
      { ...TaskStories.Default.args?.task, id: '6', title: 'Task 6' },

export const WithPinnedTasks: Story = {
  args: {
    tasks: [
      // Shaping the stories through args composition.
      // Inherited data coming from the Default story.
      ...(Default.args?.tasks?.slice(0, 5) || []),
      { id: '6', title: 'Task 6 (pinned)', state: 'TASK_PINNED' },

export const Loading: Story = {
  args: {
    tasks: [],
    loading: true,

export const Empty: Story = {
  args: {
    // Shaping the stories through args composition.
    // Inherited data coming from the Loading story.
    loading: false,
💡 Don't forget to commit your changes with git!

Now that we have some actual data populating our component obtained from the store, we could have wired it to src/app/app.component.ts and render the component there. Don't worry about it. We'll take care of it in the next chapter.

Keep your code in sync with this chapter. View 33e3597 on GitHub.
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Construct a screen out of components
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