Back to Intro to Storybook
  • Get started
  • Simple component
  • Composite component
  • Data
  • Conclusion
  • Contribute


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This community translation has not been updated to the latest version of Storybook yet. Help us update it by applying the changes in the English guide to this translation. Pull requests are welcome.

Contributions to Storybook's tutorials are encouraged! If it’s something small like grammar or punctuation, open up a pull request. If it’s a bigger change, add an issue for discussion.

Storybook's tutorials were created and maintained primarily by the community, so we need everyone's help to keep it up to date and ensure any rough edges are smoothed out over time. All help is appreciated!


Our goal is to make Storybook approachable to all people. Help translate this tutorial into other languages. We’re especially open to Chinese and Spanish translations. Comment on the issue here.

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