You're viewing older docs for version 6.4. View latest docs

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some answers to frequently asked questions. If you have a question, you can ask it by opening an issue on the Storybook Repository.

How can I opt-out of Angular Ivy?

In case you are having trouble with Angular Ivy you can deactivate it in your main.js:


Please report any issues related to Ivy in our GitHub Issue Tracker as the support for View Engine will be dropped in a future release of Angular.

How can I run coverage tests with Create React App and leave out stories?

Create React App does not allow providing options to Jest in your package.json, however you can run jest with commandline arguments:

💡 If you're using yarn as a package manager, you'll need to adjust the command accordingly.

I see ReferenceError: React is not defined when using Storybook with Next.js

Next automatically defines React for all of your files via a babel plugin. In Storybook, you can solve this either by:

  1. Adding import React from 'react' to your component files.
  2. Adding a .babelrc that includes babel-plugin-react-require

How do I setup Storybook to share Webpack configuration with Next.js?

You can generally reuse webpack rules by placing them in a file that is require()-ed from both your next.config.js and your .storybook/main.js files. For example:


How do I setup React Fast Refresh with Storybook?

Fast refresh is an opt-in feature that can be used in Storybook React. There are two ways that you can enable it, go ahead and pick one:

  • You can set a FAST_REFRESH environment variable in your .env file:
  • Or you can set the following properties in your .storybook/main.js files:
💡 Fast Refresh only works in development mode with React 16.10 or higher.

Why is there no addons channel?

A common error is that an addon tries to access the "channel", but the channel is not set. It can happen in a few different cases:

  1. You're trying to access addon channel (e.g., by calling setOptions) in a non-browser environment like Jest. You may need to add a channel mock:

  2. In React Native, it's a special case documented in #1192

Can I modify React component state in stories?

Not directly. If you control the component source, you can do something like this:


Why aren't Controls visible in the Canvas panel but visible in the Docs panel?

If you're adding Storybook's dependencies manually, make sure you include the @storybook/addon-controls dependency in your project and reference it in your .storybook/main.js as follows:


Why aren't the addons working in a composed Storybook?

Composition is a new feature that we released with version 6.0, and there are still some limitations to it.

For now, the addons you're using in a composed Storybook will not work.

We're working on overcoming this limitation, and soon you'll be able to use them as if you are working with a non-composed Storybook.

Which community addons are compatible with the latest version of Storybook?

Starting with Storybook version 6.0, we've introduced some great features aimed at streamlining your development workflow.

With this, we would like to point out that if you plan on using addons created by our fantastic community, you need to consider that some of those addons might be working with an outdated version of Storybook.

We're actively working to provide a better way to address this situation, but in the meantime, we would ask for a bit of caution on your end so that you don't run into unexpected problems. Let us know by creating an issue in the Storybook repo so that we can gather information and create a curated list with those addons to help not only you but the rest of the community.

Is it possible to browse the documentation for past versions of Storybook?

With the release of version 6.0, we updated our documentation as well. That doesn't mean that the old documentation was removed. We kept it to help you with your Storybook migration process. Use the content from the table below in conjunction with our migration guide .

We're only covering versions 5.3 and 5.0 as they were important milestones for Storybook. If you want to go back in time a little more, you'll have to check the specific release in the monorepo.

SectionPageCurrent LocationVersion 5.3 locationVersion 5.0 location
Get startedInstallSee current documentationSee versioned documentationSee versioned documentation
What's a storySee current documentationSee versioned documentation for your frameworkSee versioned documentation for your framework
Browse StoriesSee current documentationSee versioned documentation for your frameworkSee versioned documentation for your framework
SetupSee current documentationSee versioned documentation for your frameworkSee versioned documentation for your framework
Write storiesIntroductionSee current documentationSee versioned documentationSee versioned documentation
ParametersSee current documentationSee versioned documentation hereNon existing feature or undocumented
DecoratorsSee current documentationSee versioned documentation hereSee versioned documentation here
Naming components and hierarchySee current documentationSee versioned documentationSee versioned documentation
Build pages and screensSee current documentationNon existing feature or undocumentedNon existing feature or undocumented
Stories for multiple componentsSee current documentationNon existing feature or undocumentedNon existing feature or undocumented
Write docsDocsPageSee current documentationSee versioned addon documentationNon existing feature or undocumented
MDXSee current documentationSee versioned addon documentationNon existing feature or undocumented
Doc Blocks/ArgstableSee current documentationSee versioned addon documentationNon existing feature or undocumented
Doc Blocks/CanvasSee current documentationSee versioned addon documentationNon existing feature or undocumented
Doc Blocks/Color PaletteSee current documentationSee versioned addon documentationNon existing feature or undocumented
Doc Blocks/DescriptionSee current documentationSee versioned addon documentationNon existing feature or undocumented
Doc Blocks/Icon GallerySee current documentationSee versioned addon documentationNon existing feature or undocumented
Doc Blocks/SourceSee current documentationSee versioned addon documentationNon existing feature or undocumented
Doc Blocks/StorySee current documentationSee versioned addon documentationNon existing feature or undocumented
Doc Blocks/TypesetSee current documentationSee versioned addon documentationNon existing feature or undocumented
Preview and build docsSee current documentationNon existing feature or undocumentedNon existing feature or undocumented
TestingVisual testsSee current documentationSee versioned documentationSee versioned documentation
Accessibility testsSee current documentationNon existing feature or undocumentedNon existing feature or undocumented
Interaction testsSee current documentationSee versioned documentationSee versioned documentation
Snapshot testsSee current documentationSee versioned documentationSee versioned documentation
Import stories in testsSee current documentationSee versioned documentationSee versioned documentation
SharingPublish StorybookSee current documentationSee versioned documentationSee versioned documentation
EmbedSee current documentationNon existing feature or undocumentedNon existing feature or undocumented
CompositionSee current documentationNon existing feature or undocumentedNon existing feature or undocumented
Package CompositionSee current documentationNon existing feature or undocumentedNon existing feature or undocumented
Essential addonsControlsSee current documentationControls are specific to version 6.0 see Knobs versioned documentationControls are specific to version 6.0 see Knobs versioned documentation
ActionsSee current documentationSee addon versioned documentationSee addon versioned documentation
ViewportSee current documentationSee addon versioned documentationSee addon versioned documentation
BackgroundsSee current documentationSee addon versioned documentationSee addon versioned documentation
Toolbars and globalsSee current documentationSee versioned documentationNon existing feature or undocumented
ConfigureOverviewSee current documentationSee versioned documentationSee versioned documentation
Integration/WebpackSee current documentationSee versioned documentationSee versioned documentation
Integration/BabelSee current documentationSee versioned documentation here and hereSee versioned documentation here and here
Integration/TypescriptSee current documentationSee versioned documentationSee versioned documentation
Integration/Styling and CSSSee current documentationSee versioned documentationSee versioned documentation
Integration/Images and assetsSee current documentationSee versioned documentationSee versioned documentation
Story renderingSee current documentationSee versioned documentation here and hereSee versioned documentation here
Story LayoutSee current documentationNon existing feature or undocumentedNon existing feature or undocumented
User Interface/Features and behaviorSee current documentationSee versioned documentationSee versioned documentation
User Interface/ThemingSee current documentationSee versioned documentationSee versioned documentation
User Interface/Sidebar & URLSSee current documentationSee versioned documentationSee versioned documentation
Environment variablesSee current documentationSee versioned documentationSee versioned documentation
AddonsIntroductionSee current documentationSee versioned documentationSee versioned documentation
Install addonsSee current documentationSee versioned documentationSee versioned documentation
Writing AddonsSee current documentationSee versioned documentationSee versioned documentation
Writing PresetsSee current documentationSee versioned documentationNon existing feature or undocumented
Addons Knowledge BaseSee current documentationSee versioned documentationSee versioned documentation
Types of addonsSee current documentationNon existing feature or undocumentedNon existing feature or undocumented
Addons APISee current documentationSee versioned documentationSee versioned documentation
APIStories/Component Story FormatSee current documentationSee versioned documentationNon existing feature or undocumented
Stories/MDX syntaxSee current documentationSee versioned documentationNon existing feature or undocumented
Stories/StoriesOF format (see note below)See current documentationSee versioned documentationNon existing feature or undocumented
FrameworksSee current documentationNon existing feature or undocumentedNon existing feature or undocumented
CLI optionsSee current documentationSee versioned documentationSee versioned documentation
With the release of version 5.3, we've updated how you can write your stories more compactly and easily. It doesn't mean that the storiesOf format has been removed. For the time being, we're still supporting it, and we have documentation for it. But be advised that this is bound to change in the future.

What icons are available for my toolbar or my addon?

With the @storybook/components package, you get a set of icons that you can use to customize your UI. Use the table below as a reference while writing your addon or defining your Storybook global types. Go through this story to see how the icons look.


I see a "No Preview" error with a Storybook production build

If you're using the serve package to verify your production build of Storybook, you'll get that error. It relates to how serve handles rewrites. For instance, /iframe.html is rewritten into /iframe, and you'll get that error.

We recommend that you use http-server instead and use the following command to preview Storybook:

Suppose you don't want to run the command above frequently. Add http-server as a development dependency and create a new script to preview your production build of Storybook.

Can I use Storybook with Vue 3?

Yes, with the release of version 6.2, Storybook now includes support for Vue 3. See the install page for instructions.

Is snapshot testing with Storyshots supported for Vue 3?

Yes, with the release of version 6.2, the Storyshots addon will automatically detect Vue 3 projects.

If you run into a situation where this is not the case, you can adjust the config object and manually specify the framework (e.g., vue3).

See our documentation on how to customize the Storyshots configuration.

Why are my MDX stories not working in IE11?

Currently there's an issue when using MDX stories with IE11. This issue does not apply to DocsPage. If you're interested in helping us fix this issue, read our Contribution guidelines and submit a pull request.

Why are my mocked GraphQL queries failing with Storybook's MSW addon?

If you're working with Vue 3, you'll need to install @vue/apollo-composable. With Svelte, you'll need to install @rollup/plugin-replace and update your rollup.config file to the following:


With Angular, the most common issue is the placement of the mockServiceWorker.js file. Use this example as a point of reference.

Can I use other GraphQL providers with Storybook's MSW addon?

Yes, check the addon's examples to learn how to integrate different providers.

Can I mock GraphQL mutations with Storybook's MSW addon?

No, currently, the MSW addon only has support for GraphQL queries. If you're interested in including this feature, open an issue in the MSW addon repository and follow up with the maintainer.

Why aren't my code blocks highlighted with Storybook MDX

Out of the box, Storybook provides syntax highlighting for a set of languages (e.g., Javascript, Markdown, CSS, HTML, Typescript, GraphQL) that you can use with your code blocks. If you're writing your custom code blocks with MDX, you'll need to import the syntax highlighter manually. For example, if you're adding a code block for SCSS, adjust your story to the following:

💡 Check react-syntax-highlighter's documentation for a list of available languages.

Applying this small change will enable you to add syntax highlight for SCSS or any other language available.

How can my code detect if it is running in Storybook?

You can do this by checking the value of process.env.STORYBOOK, which will equal 'true' when running in Storybook. Be careful — process may be undefined when your code runs outside of Storybook.


This works because Babel replaces process.env.STORYBOOK with the value of the STORYBOOK environment variable. Because this is done through a Babel plugin, the following will NOT work:


Why is Storybook's source loader returning undefined with curried functions?

This is a known issue with Storybook. If you're interested in getting it fixed, open an issue with a working reproduction so that it can be triaged and fixed in future releases.

Why are my args no longer displaying the default values?

Before version 6.3, unset args were set to the argTypes.defaultValue if specified or inferred from the component's properties (e.g., React's prop types, Angular inputs, Vue props). Starting with version 6.3, Storybook no longer infers default values but instead defines the arg's value as undefined when unset, allowing the framework to supply its default value.

If you are using argTypes.defaultValue to fix the above, you no longer need to, and you can safely remove it from your stories.

Additionally, suppose you were using argTypes.defaultValue or relying on inference to set a default value for an arg. In that case, you should define the arg's value at the component level instead:


For Storybook's Docs, you can manually configure the displayed value by configuring the table.defaultValue setting:


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