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The IconGallery block enables you to easily document React icon components associated with your project, displayed in a neat grid.

Screenshot of IconGallery and IconItem blocks

Documenting icons

To document a set of icons, use the IconGallery block to display them in a grid. Each icon is wrapped in an IconItem block, enabling you to specify its properties, such as the name and the icon itself.

import { Meta, IconGallery, IconItem } from '@storybook/blocks';
import { Icon as IconExample } from './Icon';
<Meta title="Iconography" />
# Iconography
  <IconItem name="mobile">
    <IconExample name="mobile" />
  <IconItem name="user">
    <IconExample name="user" />
  <IconItem name="browser">
    <IconExample name="browser" />
  <IconItem name="component">
    <IconExample name="component" />
  <IconItem name="calendar">
    <IconExample name="calendar" />
   <IconItem name="paintbrush">
    <IconExample name="paintbrush" />
   <IconItem name="add">
    <IconExample name="add" />
  <IconItem name="subtract">
    <IconExample name="subtract" />
   <IconItem name="document">
    <IconExample name="document" />
  <IconItem name="graphline">
    <IconExample name="graphline" />

Automate icon documentation

If you're working on a project that contains a large number of icons that you want to document, you can extend the IconGallery block, wrap IconItem in a loop, and iterate over the icons you want to document, including their properties. For example:

import { Meta, IconGallery, IconItem } from '@storybook/blocks';
import { Icon as IconExample } from './Icon';
import * as icons from './icons';
# Iconography
  {Object.keys(icons).map((icon) => (
    <IconItem name={icon}>
      <IconExample icon={icon} />


import { IconGallery } from '@storybook/blocks';

IconGallery is configured with the following props:


Type: React.ReactNode

IconGallery expects only IconItem children.


import { IconItem } from '@storybook/blocks';

IconItem is configured with the following props:



Type: string

Sets the name of the icon.


Type: React.ReactNode

Provides the icon to be displayed.