Storybook's API allows developers to interact programmatically with Storybook. With the API, developers can build and deploy custom addons and other tools that enhance Storybook's functionality.
Our API is exposed via two distinct packages, each one with a different purpose:
used to interact with the Storybook manager UI or access the Storybook API.
used to control and configure the addon's behavior.
import { addons } from '@storybook/preview-api' ;
import { useStorybookApi } from '@storybook/manager-api' ;
The add
method allows you to register the type of UI component associated with the addon (e.g., panels, toolbars, tabs). For a minimum viable Storybook addon, you should provide the following arguments:
: The type of UI component to register.
: The title to feature in the Addon Panel.
: The function that renders the addon's UI component.
import React from 'react' ;
import { addons , types } from '@storybook/manager-api' ;
import { AddonPanel } from '@storybook/components' ;
const ADDON_ID = 'myaddon' ;
const PANEL_ID = ` ${ ADDON_ID } /panel` ;
addons . register ( ADDON_ID , ( api ) => {
addons . add ( PANEL_ID , {
type : types . PANEL ,
title : 'My Addon' ,
render : ( { active , key } ) => (
< AddonPanel active = { active } key = { key } >
< div > Storybook addon panel </ div >
</ AddonPanel >
) ,
}) ;
}) ;
โน๏ธ The render function is called with active
and key
. The active
value will be true when the panel is focused on the UI.
Serves as the entry point for all addons. It allows you to register an addon and access the Storybook API . For example:
import { addons } from '@storybook/preview-api' ;
// Register the addon with a unique name.
addons . register ( 'my-organisation/my-addon' , ( api ) => {}) ;
Now you'll get an instance to our StorybookAPI. See the api docs for Storybook API regarding using that.
Get an instance to the channel to communicate with the manager and the preview. You can find this in both the addon register code and your addonโs wrapper component (where used inside a story).
It has a NodeJS EventEmitter compatible API. So, you can use it to emit events and listen to events.
import React , { useCallback } from 'react' ;
import { FORCE_RE_RENDER } from '@storybook/core-events' ;
import { addons } from '@storybook/preview-api' ;
import { useGlobals } from '@storybook/manager-api' ;
import { IconButton , Icons } from '@storybook/components' ;
const ExampleToolbar = () => {
const [ globals , updateGlobals ] = useGlobals () ;
const isActive = globals [ 'my-param-key' ] || false ;
// Function that will update the global value and trigger a UI refresh.
const refreshAndUpdateGlobal = () => {
updateGlobals ({
[ 'my-param-key' ] : ! isActive ,
}) ,
// Invokes Storybook's addon API method (with the FORCE_RE_RENDER) event to trigger a UI refresh
addons . getChannel (). emit ( FORCE_RE_RENDER ) ;
} ;
const toggleToolbarAddon = useCallback (() => refreshAndUpdateGlobal () , [ isActive ]) ;
return (
< IconButton
key = "Example"
active = { isActive }
title = "Show the toolbar addon"
onClick = { toggleToolbarAddon }
< Icons icon = "outline" />
</ IconButton >
) ;
} ;
Use the makeDecorator
API to create decorators in the style of the official addons. Like so:
import { makeDecorator } from '@storybook/preview-api' ;
export const withAddonDecorator = makeDecorator ({
name : 'withSomething' ,
parameterName : 'CustomParameter' ,
skipIfNoParametersOrOptions : true
wrapper : ( getStory , context , { parameters } ) => {
* Write your custom logic here based on the parameters passed in Storybook's stories.
* Although not advised, you can also alter the story output based on the parameters.
return getStory ( context ) ;
} ,
}) ;
โน๏ธ If the story's parameters include { exampleParameter: { disable: true } }
(where exampleParameter
is the parameterName
of your addon), your decorator will not be called.
The makeDecorator
API requires the following arguments:
: Unique name to identify the custom addon decorator.
: Sets a unique parameter to be consumed by the addon.
: (Optional) Doesn't run the decorator if the user hasn't options either via decorators or parameters .
: your decorator function. Takes the getStory
, context
, and both the options
and parameters
(as defined in skipIfNoParametersOrOptions
Storybook's API allows you to access different functionalities of Storybook UI.
The selectStory
API method allows you to select a single story. It accepts the following two parameters; story kind name and an optional story name. For example:
import type { Meta , StoryObj } from '@storybook/react' ;
import { Button } from './Button' ;
const meta : Meta < typeof Button > = {
/* ๐ The title prop is optional.
* See
* to learn how to generate automatic titles
title : 'Button' ,
component : Button ,
//๐ Creates specific parameters for the story
parameters : {
myAddon : {
data : 'This data is passed to the addon' ,
} ,
} ,
} ;
export default meta ;
type Story = StoryObj < typeof Button >;
*๐ Render functions are a framework specific feature to allow you control on how the component renders.
* See
* to learn how to use render functions.
export const Basic : Story = {
render : () => < Button > Hello < / Button > ,
} ;
This is how you can select the above story:
addons . register ( 'my-organisation/my-addon' , ( api ) => {
api . selectStory ( 'Button' , 'Default' ) ;
}) ;
Similar to the selectStory
API method, but it only accepts the story as the only parameter.
addons . register ( 'my-organisation/my-addon' , ( api ) => {
api . selectInCurrentKind ( 'Default' ) ;
}) ;
This method allows you to set query string parameters. You can use that as temporary storage for addons. Here's how you define query params:
addons . register ( 'my-organisation/my-addon' , ( api ) => {
api . setQueryParams ({
exampleParameter : 'Sets the example parameter value' ,
anotherParameter : 'Sets the another parameter value' ,
}) ;
}) ;
Additionally, if you need to remove a query parameter, set it as null
instead of removing them from the addon. For example:
addons . register ( 'my-organisation/my-addon' , ( api ) => {
api . setQueryParams ({
exampleParameter : null ,
}) ;
}) ;
Allows retrieval of a query parameter enabled via the setQueryParams
API method. For example:
addons . register ( 'my-organisation/my-addon' , ( api ) => {
api . getQueryParam ( 'exampleParameter' ) ;
}) ;
This method allows you to get the application URL state, including any overridden or custom parameter values. For example:
addons . register ( 'my-organisation/my-addon' , ( api ) => {
const href = api . getUrlState ({
selectedKind : 'kind' ,
selectedStory : 'story' ,
}). url ;
}) ;
This method allows you to register a handler function called whenever the user navigates between stories.
addons . register ( 'my-organisation/my-addon' , ( api ) => {
// Logs the event data to the browser console whenever the event is emitted.
api . on ( 'custom-addon-event' , ( eventData ) => console . log ( eventData )) ;
}) ;
This method allows you to override the default Storybook UI configuration (e.g., set up a theme or hide UI elements):
import { addons } from '@storybook/manager-api' ;
addons . setConfig ({
isFullscreen : false ,
showNav : true ,
showPanel : true ,
panelPosition : 'bottom' ,
enableShortcuts : true ,
showToolbar : true ,
theme : undefined ,
selectedPanel : undefined ,
initialActive : 'sidebar' ,
sidebar : {
showRoots : false ,
collapsedRoots : [ 'other' ] ,
} ,
toolbar : {
title : { hidden : false } ,
zoom : { hidden : false } ,
eject : { hidden : false } ,
copy : { hidden : false } ,
fullscreen : { hidden : false } ,
} ,
}) ;
The following table details how to use the API values:
Name Type Description Example Value isFullscreen Boolean Show story component as full screen false
showNav Boolean Display panel that shows a list of stories true
showPanel Boolean Display panel that shows addon configurations true
panelPosition String/Object Where to show the addon panel bottom
or right
enableShortcuts Boolean Enable/disable shortcuts true
showToolbar Boolean Show/hide toolbar true
theme Object Storybook Theme, see next section undefined
selectedPanel String Id to select an addon panel storybook/actions/panel
initialActive String Select the default active tab on Mobile sidebar
or canvas
or addons
sidebar Object Sidebar options, see below { showRoots: false }
toolbar Object Modify the tools in the toolbar using the addon id { fullscreen: { hidden: false } }
The following options are configurable under the sidebar
Name Type Description Example Value showRoots Boolean Display the top-level nodes as a "root" in the sidebar false
collapsedRoots Array Set of root node IDs to visually collapse by default ['misc', 'other']
renderLabel Function Create a custom label for tree nodes; must return a ReactNode (item) => <abbr title="...">{}</abbr>
The following options are configurable under the toolbar
Name Type Description Example Value id String Toggle visibility for toolbar item { hidden: false }
To help streamline addon development and reduce boilerplate code, the API exposes a set of hooks to access Storybook's internals. These hooks are an extension of the @storybook/manager-api
It allows access to Storybook's internal state. Similar to the useglobals
hook, we recommend optimizing your addon to rely on React.memo
, or the following hooks; useMemo
, useCallback
to prevent a high volume of re-render cycles.
import React from 'react' ;
import { AddonPanel } from '@storybook/components' ;
import { useStorybookState } from '@storybook/manager-api' ;
export const Panel = () => {
const state = useStorybookState () ;
return (
< AddonPanel { ... props } >
{ state . viewMode !== 'docs' ? (
< h2 > Do something with the documentation </ h2 >
) : (
< h2 > Show the panel when viewing the story </ h2 >
) }
</ AddonPanel >
) ;
} ;
The useStorybookApi
hook is a convenient helper to allow you full access to the Storybook API methods.
import React , { useEffect , useCallback } from 'react' ;
import { Icons , IconButton } from '@storybook/components' ;
import { useStorybookApi } from '@storybook/manager-api' ;
export const Panel = () => {
const api = useStorybookApi () ;
const toggleMyTool = useCallback (() => {
// Custom logic to toggle the addon here
} , []) ;
useEffect (() => {
api . setAddonShortcut ( 'custom-toolbar-addon' , {
label : 'Enable toolbar addon' ,
defaultShortcut : [ 'G' ] ,
actionName : 'Toggle' ,
showInMenu : false ,
action : toggleAddon ,
}) ;
} , [ api ]) ;
return (
< IconButton key = "custom-toolbar" active = "true" title = "Show a toolbar addon" >
< Icons icon = "arrowdown" />
</ IconButton >
) ;
} ;
Allows setting subscriptions to events and getting the emitter to emit custom events to the channel.
The messages can be listened to on both the iframe and the manager.
import React from 'react' ;
import { AddonPanel , Button } from '@storybook/components' ;
import { STORY_CHANGED } from '@storybook/core-events' ;
import { useChannel } from '@storybook/manager-api' ;
export const Panel = () => {
// Creates a Storybook API channel and subscribes to the STORY_CHANGED event
const emit = useChannel ({
STORY_CHANGED : ( ... args ) => console . log ( ... args ) ,
}) ;
return (
< AddonPanel key = "custom-panel" active = "true" >
< Button onClick = { () => emit ( 'my-event-type' , { sampleData : 'example' }) } >
Emit a Storybook API event with custom data
</ Button >
</ AddonPanel >
) ;
} ;
The useAddonState
is a useful hook for addons that require data persistence, either due to Storybook's UI lifecycle or for more complex addons involving multiple types (e.g., toolbars, panels).
import React from 'react' ;
import { useAddonState } from '@storybook/manager-api' ;
import { AddonPanel , Button , IconButton } from '@storybook/components' ;
export const Panel = () => {
const [ state , setState ] = useAddonState ( 'addon-unique-identifier' , 'initial state' ) ;
return (
< AddonPanel key = "custom-panel" active = "true" >
< Button onClick = { () => setState ( 'Example' ) } >
Click to update Storybook's internal state
</ Button >
</ AddonPanel >
) ;
} ;
export const Tool = () => {
const [ state , setState ] = useAddonState ( 'addon-unique-identifier' , 'initial state' ) ;
return (
< IconButton
key = "custom-toolbar"
active = "true"
title = "Enable my addon"
onClick = { () => setState ( 'Example' ) }
< Icons icon = "lightning" />
</ IconButton >
) ;
} ;
The useParameter
retrieves the current story's parameters. If the parameter's value is not defined, it will automatically default to the second value defined.
import React from 'react' ;
import { AddonPanel } from '@storybook/components' ;
import { useParameter } from '@storybook/manager-api' ;
export const Panel = () => {
// Connects to Storybook's API and retrieves the value of the custom parameter for the current story
const value = useParameter ( 'custom-parameter' , 'initial value' ) ;
return (
< AddonPanel key = "custom-panel" active = "true" >
{ value === 'initial value' ? (
< h2 > The story doesn't contain custom parameters. Defaulting to the initial value. </ h2 >
) : (
< h2 > You've set { value } as the parameter. </ h2 >
) }
</ AddonPanel >
) ;
} ;
Extremely useful hook for addons that rely on Storybook Globals . It allows you to obtain and update global
values. We also recommend optimizing your addon to rely on React.memo
, or the following hooks; useMemo
, useCallback
to prevent a high volume of re-render cycles.
import React from 'react' ;
import { AddonPanel , Button } from '@storybook/components' ;
import { useGlobals } from '@storybook/manager-api' ;
export const Panel = () => {
const [ globals , updateGlobals ] = useGlobals () ;
const isActive = globals [ 'my-param-key' ] || false ; // ๐ Sets visibility based on the global value.
return (
< AddonPanel key = "custom-panel" active = { isActive } >
< Button onClick = { () => updateGlobals ({ [ 'my-param-key' ] : ! isActive }) } >
{ isActive ? 'Hide the addon panel' : 'Show the panel' }
</ Button >
</ AddonPanel >
) ;
} ;
Hook that allows you to retrieve or update a story's args
import { useArgs } from '@storybook/manager-api' ;
const [ args , updateArgs , resetArgs ] = useArgs () ;
// To update one or more args:
updateArgs ({ key : 'value' }) ;
// To reset one (or more) args:
resetArgs (( argNames : [ 'key' ]) );
// To reset all args
resetArgs () ;