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Docs API
Storybook Docs


An overview of all available API references for Storybook.


  • main.js|ts: Storybook's primary configuration file, which specifies your Storybook project's behavior, including the location of your stories, the addons you use, feature flags and other project-specific settings.

  • preview.js|ts: This configuration file controls the way stories are rendered. You can also use it to run code that applies to all stories.

  • manager.js|ts: This configuration file controls the behavior of Storybook's UI, the manager.

  • CLI: Storybook is a CLI tool. You can start Storybook in development mode or build a static version of your Storybook.


  • CSF: Component Story Format (CSF) is the API for writing stories. It's an open standard ased on ES6 modules that is portable beyond Storybook.

  • ArgTypes: ArgTypes specify the behavior of args. By specifying the type of an arg, you constrain the values that it can accept and provide information about args that are not explicitly set.

  • Parameters: Parameters are static metadata used to configure your stories, addons and other Storybook's features. They are specified at the story, meta (component), and project (global) levels.


  • MDX: is an authorable format that lets you write JSX in your Markdown documents. Combine it with Storybook's Doc Blocks to create interactive documentation.